IJCF, Cilt 2, Sayı 1, Makale Koleksiyonu

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  • Öğe
    A comprehensive analysis of inter-relationships among overall service quality, trust, satisfaction and learner’s loyalty within the supportive vocational education and training
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2016) Yıldırım, Figen; Çengel, Özgür; Demirli, Cihad; Biçer, Ali Altuğ; Sağlam, Mehmet
    It is seen that education institutes use many techniques to increase the quality of the services being provided. However, as competition in the education sector has been rising dramatically, it is hard to differentiate the services offered. In this perspective, it is becoming hard to attract and keep loyal learners in education institutes. So, lifelong learning and continuing professional development are the two tools that enhance the level of loyalty to the education institutes. In this study, an attempt has been made to understand the factors that define learner’s loyalty in the Vocational Education Institutes. In addition, the relation of trust to the Institute, satisfaction, and learner’s loyalty variables to the service quality will be researched. In this sense, 184 questionnaires have been conducted to students who have attended the Public Oversight Board Education Program offered by Istanbul Commerce University’s Lifelong Learning Center. Data has been analyzed by Structural Equation Modelling. According to the results of the study, education institutes who deal solely with the issue of trust, satisfaction, and learner’s loyalty can have the potential to keep their learners on hand on a life-long basis thereby earning their loyalty to the fullest extent.
  • Öğe
    The influences of relationship marketing in the housing brokerage market
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2016) Yang, Tsung-Ju; Tu, Yi-Chen; Shen, Ching-Sung
    Many companies and salesmen try to build and maintain long-term relationship with their customer. The influences of relationship marketing activities are important issue of the housing brokerage Market. The aims of study are to learn the impacts of relationship marketing on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in the housing brokerage Market. The researchers survey the customers and use the regression analysis method to test the relationships between relationship marketing, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in Taiwan. The research results show that the relationship marketing positively impacts on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, then customer satisfaction positively impacts on customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction plays a mediating role between relationship marketing and customer loyalty. Besides, the study confirm that brokers’ expertise moderates the relationship of relationship marketing process. The findings suggest that the brokers’ relationship marketing and expertise empirically impact on the customers.
  • Öğe
    The role of collaborative advantage for analyzing the effect of supply chain collaboration on firm performance
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2016) Yılmaz, Huriye; Çemberci, Murat; Uca, Nagehan
    Collaboration plays a critical role in a globalized, rapidly changing and competitive world, as the resources of an individual company are limited to compete with the challenges of the era. Supply chain collaboration is defined as a partnership process where two or more autonomous firms work closely to plan and execute supply chain operations towards common goals and mutual benefits. Supply chain collaboration results in collaborative advantage, the strategic benefits gained over competitors through supply chain partnering, and these both increase firm performance of the partners. In this research, the effect of supply chain collaboration on firm performance has been investigated by distributing a survey to Turkish companies which have been responded by 150. The role of collaborative advantage in this relation has also been measured. The results of the research suggest that there is a positive correlation between supply chain collaboration and collaborative advantage. The results also prove that supply chain collaboration positively affects firm performance. It is also proven that the mediator role of collaborative advantage on the effect of supply chain collaboration on firm performance is statistically significant.
  • Öğe
    Causality relationship between import, export and growth rate in developing countries
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2016) Yüksel, Serhat; Zengin, Sinemis
    In this paper, we tried to determine the relationship between imports, exports and growth rate in developing countries. Within this scope, 6 developing countries (Argentina, Brazil, China, Malaysia, Mexico and Turkey) were analyzed in this study. In order to achieve this purpose, annual data for the periods between 1961 and 2014 was tested by using Engle Granger co-integration analysis, Vector Error Correction Model and Toda Yamamoto causality analysis. According to the result of the analysis, it was determined that there is not any relationship among three variables in Brazil and Mexico. On the other hand, we defined that increase in export causes higher growth rate in Argentina. Moreover, it was concluded that there is a causal relationship from import to export in China and Turkey. Furthermore, it was determined that export causes higher import in Malaysia. Therefore, it can be concluded that the relationship between import, export and growth rate is not same for all developing countries…
  • Öğe
    A comparison of optimal portfolio performances of three optimization methods
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2016) Cevizci, Aylin
    This study compares performances of three portfolios established based on Markowitz optimization, shrinkage optimization, and Black- Litterman optimization. BIST30 companies are used to test the results. Markowitz optimization is unrestricted, thus generates the highest possible utility. However, portfolio weights display high values of short- selling needs. Shrinkage optimization restricts short selling needs gradually, but it does not block short- selling. On the other hand, Black- Litterman model totally prohibits short- selling. Results show that the lowest utility is originated by Black- Litterman model. Shrinkage model generates average returns and less- than- average risk. Therefore, shrinkage ratio is a strong candidate for future portfolio building. The results also suggest that short selling should be included in portfolio activities to maximize performance. Short- selling improves portfolio performance significantly.
  • Öğe
    Managers’ personality traits over management styles and decision-making styles
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2016) Ülgen, Beliz; Sağlam, Mehmet; Tuğsal, Türker
    The paper seeks to offer a contribution to the extent literature on the role of managers’ personality characteristics over management styles and decision-making styles. We have prepared a questionnaire which consists of Girgin’s (2007) personality scale adaptation from Goldberg (1992), Kurban’s (2015) decision-making scale adopted from Scott and Bruce (1995), and Yıldızhan’s (2012) management style scale. The questionnaire is conducted among managers and employees in various sectors in Istanbul via the single random sampling method. Frequency analysis is applied to descriptive findings. In order to determine reliability and validity of the scales, reliability and factor analysis are performed. We have focused on investigating the impact of managers’ personality traits on management styles and decision-making styles by applying the Multivariate Regression Model and Correlation Analysis. The result of the factor analysis revealed that the three dimensions (extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness) of big-five personality traits have a significant effect on some dimensions of managers’ decision making and management styles.
  • Öğe
    The effect of corporation reputation on organizational citizenship behaviour
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2016) Akturan, Abdülkadir; Şevik, Neslihan
    There is a growing interest of academicians and practitioners for corporate reputation since it is an important factor, which creates beneficial outcomes for the firms. In the literature, corporate reputation is studied on the ground of external stakeholders. However, employees as internal stakeholders are also as important as the external ones, and we know little about how corporate reputation affects employees’ organizational behaviors. This study purposes to fulfill that gap and aims to identify the effect of corporate reputation an organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). As a result of the study, it was found that corporation reputation positively affects altruism, courtesy, civic virtue and consciousness while does not have any influence on sportsmanship.
  • Öğe
    Why go public? An empirical analysis of IPO’s competitive effect on Turkish firms
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2016) Ergincan, Yakup; Kiraz, Fatih; Uysal, Özgür
    The motivation of this study is to approach the IPO issue from a different perspective. Most of the studies in the existing literature deal with three broad issues which are operating performance, stock performance, and the reasons to go public. However, there aren’t many studies which tackle the IPO issue from a pure competitive perspective which enables limited but clear results. This study contributes to the literature, not by answering a broad and old question but by providing new and partial evidence which seem to contradict the whole at first glance. Most of the 60 BIST (Borsa Istanbul) listed large industrial firms in this study have improved their relative ranks after their IPOs, when compared to their own large competitors most of which are not listed in BIST. These ranks are available in Turkey’s TOP 1.000 Industrial Enterprises annual lists and they are officially assigned by ICI (Istanbul Chamber of Industry) according to firms’ sales revenue figures. Thus, they provide us with the single and clear window to observe. Keeping in mind that this window is limited, this study comes up with some non-negligible findings and then elaborates on their significance for the IPO literature, raising more questions than answers for the sake of a more solid theory.
  • Öğe
    The role of social media advertising in consumer buying behavior
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2016) Ertemel, Adnan Veysel; Ammoura, Ahmad
    P Consumer buying behavior is known also as consumer decision making is the process by which individuals search for, select, purchase, use, and dispose of goods and services to satisfy require needs. This study has been designed to answer main question about the role of social media advertising on consumer buying behavior in very active field which is fashion retail industry, then determine the differences if existed in this relation regarding to the name of the brands and consumer demographics factors. By electronic questionnaires conducted for consumers live in Istanbul-Turkey, findings showed weak relation between social media advertising and consumer need recognition, no relation at all with search for information, strong relation with evaluate the alternatives, and moderate relation for both buying decision and post-purchase behavior, as those steps represent the five steps need recognition model in consumer buying behavior. Moreover, findings showed no changes in this relation regarding to consumer’s age, and education level. However, there were changes between Females and males in the relation with consumer need recognition, and search for information. In addition, another changes regarding to income between social media advertising and evaluate the alternatives especially for consumers earn more than 5.000TL among other income groups.
  • Öğe
    An exploratory analysis of online shopping behavior in Turkey
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2016) Ertemel, Adnan Veysel; Çelik, Buğra
    Abstract: Alongside the technologic developments, transformation in user behavior and business models has been observed. New areas and models are emerged in a lot of grounds like the communication of people or daily activities. So a new face put for shopping behavior by the e-commerce, which is one of the novelties. This study tries to research online shopping behavior in Turkey. With a quantitative research, device usage, the reasons behind to shop or not to shop online, online shopping category and e-commerce site preferences, payment methods, international e-commerce and online marketplace usage is investigated. As implications of the research, “saving time“ is found to be the foremost reason for shopping online in Turkey and “travel and bookings” category is found as the most shopped category among the results of the survey.
  • Öğe
    Clarifying the management role in dealing with employees personal ıssues in the lebanese organizations
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2016) Eldine, Abdallah Kamal
    The majority of workers have many occasional difficulties that sometimes become a problem affecting the worker’s performance. When this will repeatedly fail to meet expectations, a serious problem may become the main reason which contributes to the job decline. Therefore, a pattern of reduced performance indicates the need for a supervisory action from managers. Poor performance could be reflected under three main categories, such as employee availability, employee productivity, and employee conduct. The reasons and causes of this poor performance could be a personal issue related to the employee. Many types of personal problems are affecting the job performance in organizations, such as marital strife, financial difficulties and child care complication. More serious difficulties and the abuse of these problems-if not resolved-may cause unending issues at work. This problem is highly important especially that it can affect the job performance and the company income. Moreover, it can simply result in the failure of the employee to meet the performance standards, which kills productivity. The purpose of this qualitative exploratory phenomenological study is to clarify the management role in dealing with employees personal issues in the Lebanese organizations as perceived by the lived experience of managers. The research instrument which will be used is a face-to-face structured interview with six managers of the major functions in different Lebanese organizations. The sample type will be by convenience.
  • Öğe
    Forecasting stock market volitility- evidence from muscat security market using garch models
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2016) Tamilselvan, Manickam; Mastan Vali, Shaik
    Engle (1982) introduced the autoregressive conditionally heteroskedastic model for quantifying the conditional volatility and by Boollerslev (1986), Engle, Lilien and Robins (1987) and Glosten, Jaganathan and Runkle (1993) extended the class asymmetric model. Amongst many others, Bollerslev, Chou and Kroner (1992) or (1994) are considered to be the précis of ARCH family models. In this direction the paper forecasts the stock market volatility of four actively trading indices from Muscat security market by using daily observations of indices over the period of January 2001 to November 2015 using GARCH(1,1), EGARCH(1,1) and TGARCH (1,1) models. The study reveals the positive relationship between risk and return. The analysis exhibits that the volatility shocks are quite persistent. Further the asymmetric GARCH models find a significance evidence of asymmetry in stock returns. The study discloses that the volatility is highly persistent and there is asymmetrical relationship between return shocks and volatility adjustments and the leverage effect is found across all flour indices. Hence the investors are advised to formulate investment strategies by analyzing recent and historical news and forecast the future market movement while selecting portfolio for efficient management of financial risks to reap benefit in the stock market.
  • Öğe
    Cost of poor quality in energy sector
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2016) Aras, Özlem; Özcan, Burcu
    Companies need to produce their product and services with lower cost in order to survive in the competitive global market. That is why; firstly they need to define the visible and invisible cost of poor quality factors and then need to eliminate these Poor Quality Costs by utilizing the various improvement methodologies. In order to define the poor quality, firstly the project team members need to be assigned between the cross functional departments. Then, the current status needs to be defined step by step by utilizing the various methodologies such as Pareto Analyze etc. As a second step, Root Cause Analyze is performed, and lastly the actions and action plan are defined. All these steps are systematized with some methodologies such as PDAC, Practical Problem Solving (PPS), Six sigma DMAIC & 8D. In this study, it is aimed to decrease the Warranty Cost which is a factor of the Cost of Poor Quality in a factory in the Energy Sector. At the same time, it is aimed to decrease the customer complaints as well as to increase the customer satisfaction. The factors that cause the Warranty Cost have been defined in the Current Status Analyze. Pareto Analyze, Brainstorming, Fish Bone Analyze, Process Mapping, 5 Why Analyze etc. methodologies have been utilized in this study.
  • Öğe
    Market liquidity, analysts coverage, and ownership concentration: evidence from ASE
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2016) Iskandrani, Majd
    This research investigates the association between analyst coverage, ownership concentration and market liquidity in Amman Stock Exchange (ASE). Using a unique dataset about information asymmetry, several proxies related to the information asymmetry are used to clarify certain aspects of market liquidity. In a sample of 131 companies with comprehensive data collected from company guides and Datastream, information asymmetry measured by analysts’ coverage is found to be an important determinant of market liquidity. In particular, market liquidity is lower where firms have larger analysts coverage and where firms are denoted with high degree of ownership concentration. The effect of analysts coverage is, however, found to be more marked in firms with high levels of ownership concentration. The study provides theoretical and empirical improvement of market liquidity literature towards an understanding of the information asymmetry proxies in ASE. Policymakers, after the 2007-2009 scandal have formed governance codes that highlight the importance of disclosure requirements as key responsibility of financial analysts. The link between analysts coverage and market liquidity established in this research provides evidence for insider investors on the roles and potential effectiveness of analysts in carrying this responsibility.
  • Öğe
    Funds used by the European Union in the convergence approach and Turkey
    (İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2016) Özkan, Ömer; Keleş, Ahmet
    The article is to show the twinning mechanism as a convergence tool in a states accession process. Since it’s beginning in 1998 more than 1300 projects have been carried out in the scope of candidate states’ convergence process. Due to these projects the states’ administrative and judicial systems have been restructured. Thus, the capacity of Union legislation’s applicability enhanced and the programs have been used to strengthen the institutional structures in all the sectors in the scope of instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance. Starting from the December 17, 2001 various funds were launched for use in Turkey in order to ensure compliance with the EU acquis communautaire within the accession process of the state and to facilitate the fulfillment of the obligations which are specified in the Accession Partnership Document and National Programme of Turkey. The EU funds and their use within the scope of the approach and the contributions provided to institutions implementing the projects to the Legislative System of Turkey are to be discussed in the research.