IJCF, Cilt 6, Sayı 1, Makale Koleksiyonu
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Öğe Impact of mall attractiveness on mall patronage intention: the mediatıng effect of mall personality(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2020) Çengel, Özgür; Çakıroğlu, IlgınThere are many shopping malls operating in recent years. In order to achieve success in a competitive environment, these shopping malls should attract consumers and show their mall personality to differentiate from competition. This can be possible by revealing the attractive features of the mall from the consumer perspective and understanding the consumer behavior. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between mall attractiveness, mall personality and mall patronage intention, as well as revealing the mall attractiveness and mall personality factors. In this context, data was collected with face-to-face survey method, from 414 people that visited the Trabzon Forum Mall. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were used to analyze the survey responses from 414 shopping mall patrons. The findings indicate that shopping mall attractiveness has significant positive impact on mall patronage intention and mall personality has a full mediating effect between shopping mall attractiveness and mall patronage intention.Öğe Modeling the disposal of domestic drug waste through causal loop diagram(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2020) Orhan, Mücahit Abdullah; Uca, Nagehan CandanThe ease of access of the sick individuals to the drugs cause an increase in drug consumption with the development of the health sector. The incomplete information of the patients about the drug use causes the treatment to be incomplete and the drugs to become waste medicine. Increasing and improper disposal of drugs that are not used at home threatens human health and the environment. There is an urgent need for the correct disposal process for drug waste in homes. In order to prevent the wrong disposal of these drugs, solutions are produced within the scope of reverse logistics and green supply chain activities. The aim of the study is to understand the system structure in the process of disposal of domestic pharmaceutical waste in Istanbul and to establish a mental link between the structure of the system and the behavior obtained as a result of the system. In the study, the processes of reverse logistics activities in the Turkish pharmaceutical industry in domestic drug waste were examined and a system dynamics model was created.Öğe The effect of implementing e-filing systems on personal tax compliance with internet knowledge as moderated variables (case study on personal taxpayers at kpp pratama jakarta kramatjati)(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2020) Purba, Hasian; Sarpingah, Siti; Nugroho, LuckyThe objectives of this study are as follows: 1) Finding empirical evidence regarding the perception of the application of the e-Filing system to taxpayer compliance, and 2) Finding empirical evidence regarding the extent of knowledge the internet can moderate the relationship between the implementation of e-Filing systems and the level of taxpayer compliance.The type of research used in this study is causal research. The population in this study was all individual taxpayers registered at KPP Pratama Jakarta Kramatjati. Selection of samples of the convenience sampling method. The analytical method used to test the hypothesis is the Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA).The results of the study show, 1) The application of e-filing systems has a positive and significant effect on taxpayer compliance; 2) Knowledge the Internet has been proven to moderate the relationship between the implementation of e-Filing systems and the level of taxpayer compliance.Öğe The effects of green product innovation and green process innovation on company performance(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2020) Karabulut, Tuğba; Hatipoğlu, Hümeyra N.This paper aims to investigate effects of green product innovation and green process innovation on the performances of companies. It presents in-depth interviews with Alarko Carrier A.Ş. and Cenal Elektrik Üretim A.Ş. which are companies of Alarko Holding in Turkey. Alarko Carrier A.Ş. produces, sells, exports, imports, makes marketing activities and after sales services of cooling, heating and water pressurization systems. Cenal Elektrik Üretim A.Ş. is an electric plant which produces electricity from coal by conducting environmentally friendly innovation activities in their business processes. The in-depth interviews were conducted with middle level managers from these companies to find out their green product innovation and green process innovation practices and their effects on their company performances. It is found out that these companies have corporate cultures supporting their green product innovation and green process innovation practices which affect their financial performance and stakeholder performance. Additional in-depth interviews can be conducted with companies from other sectors for further studies.Öğe Factors affecting economic growth in central java(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2020) Soekapdjo, Soeharjoto; Tribudhi, Debbie Aryani; Hariyanti, Dini; Nugroho, LuckyEconomic growth is an indicator of the success of the development. Increasing economic growth in Central Java will be realized if the government can implement the right policies. Research on factors that influence economic growth can be used as a reference in making government policies in the economic field. The results of the study using multiple regression in 2008.Q1-2016.Q4 are Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Domestic Investment (DI), Consumer Price Index (CPI), Health Index (HI), Education Index (EI), and the Gross Regional Domestic Product previous year (GRDP (-1)) was able to explain economic growth in Central Java by 99.9 percent. FDI and GRDP (-1) have a positive and significant effect on economic growth. HI, negative and significant effect on economic growth. DI, CPI, and EI are not significant for economic growth.Öğe Motives of foreign direct investment (fdi) in Ethiopia: an empirical analysis(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2020) Ali, Abdu SeidThe central aim of this paper is to investigate the major motives of inward FDI to Ethiopia from 1992-2015. Various economic and financial variables were taken into consideration to assess the relationship between FDI and its motivational factors. Ordinary Least Square method was applied to estimate the association, while Johansen’s co-integration test was employed to examine the combination, and Vector Auto-regressive (VAR) model was used to check whether there is a long run relationship between FDI and explanatory variables. The statistical results show that there is positive and significant relationship between FDI and market size, trade openness, exchange rate and financial freedom whereas inflation had negative and significant association with FDI. However, investment freedom and economic globalization indicated an insignificant relation. Even though all variables jointly affect FDI in the long run, the VAR result didn’t reveal any long term relationship between FDI and its motivational factors individually.Öğe Optimal portfolio construction using sharpe’s single-index model: evidence from chittagong stock exchange(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2020) Mahmud, ImrozThe study aims to apply Sharpe’s single-index model of portfolio construction and evaluate the model’s performance on the securities traded on Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE). For this purpose, the last seven years' daily closing price data of 122 sample securities as well as the daily closing index value of the benchmark market index, CASPI, has been utilized. Sharpe’s model smoothens the intricate process of portfolio construction by suggesting a unique number, called the cutoff rate, to measure the desirability of each security’s inclusion in the final portfolio. In this study, 38 securities qualified to be a part of the final portfolio, hence, the optimal investment weight for each of them is calculated. An industry-wise analysis reveals that four industries account for about 68 percent of the final portfolio weight. The constructed portfolio yields a daily mean return of 0.1095 percent, which is equivalent to about 49 percent in effective annual terms. The overall portfolio risk, indicated by standard deviation, is found to be only 0.6425 percent. The portfolio beta of 0.3496 also indicates that there is significant nonexistence of systematic risk. An evaluation of the portfolio parameters explicitly reveals that it has outperformed every sample security as well as the market index, in offering the best risk-return combinations, by a large margin. Therefore, the study found Sharpe’s model of portfolio construction highly effective in optimizing risk and return in the context of CSE.Öğe Challenges and prospects of taxing informal economy at Jimma Zone, oromia national regional state, Ethiopia(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2020) Wondimu, Sıntayehu Tulu; Dadi, Mengistu DeyassaThis study explored the challenges and prospects of taxing an informal economy in the developing country conducted with survey data in an ordered logistic regression model. The variables of the study like sizes of the informal economy, institutional quality, growth, presumption taxes, governance, and revenue have statistically significant and also they are related to the taxing of an informal economy withholding positive and negative signs. The sign directions of the variables show that the supporting of taxing of an informal economy and also the consequences impacted on informal economy tax practices and approaches. Taxing of an informal economy would be recommendable and mandatory for mobilizing the domestic revenues in the developing countries, for required tax compliances and improve the bargaining powers of the society of taxpayers; even though as constraints would be the limited revenue, high cost, and weakened governances and reduces the institutional quality. Availing of tax for an informal economy required to supports with technology and skilled human resources to improve the tax systems and to manage costs and meet the expected domestic revenue mobilizations for the expected amounts of government expenditure in each fiscal period.Öğe Financial literacy and its determinants among households in Jimma Zone(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2020) Mengesha, Tadele; Timbula, Mekuanint Abera; Mekonnen, Yonas; Kebede, MatewoseFinancial literacy becomes a topical issue for academicians and policy makers, both in developed and developing countries. This might be because of the fact that there is low level of financial literacy prevailing across the world. To achieve the objective of the study, a quantitative research design and a cross sectional survey research approach was used. The research focused on the urban area of Jimma Zone by taking a sample of 173 households using multi-stage sampling. The result of multiple regression analysis showed that educational levels of the households have a significant and positive effect on their level of financial literacy. That is, as the educational level of households increase, their financial literacy levels will also increase. But the remaining three predictors i.e. Age; Gender and financial literacy training from microfinance institutions have no significant effect on the financial literacy level of the households.Öğe Effect of employee motivation on job performance: in case of fiche general hospital(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2020) Lencho, Dereje MuletaMotivation is significant issues affecting human behavior and it is not only affecting other cognitive factor like perception and learning but also affects total performance of an individual in organization setting. Hence this study was focused on investigate the effect of employee motivation on their job performance in Fiche General hospital. It also intended to evaluate employee level of motivational and their level of job performance. In order to meet this objective, the researcher has used simple random sampling techniques; in collected from 179 employees out of 287, using Likert scale questionnaires. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean, and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (correlation and regression). The result of the descriptive statistics finding indicated that the employee job performance has been under practiced in Fiche General Hospital. The results of inferential statistics have revealed that all motivational factors under study are positively related to employee job performance. According to this finding the employee empowerment practices is more significantly associated and has impacts on employee job performance than all motivational factors under study. Hence, managers of Fiche General Hospital as advised to more empower their employee in the work place as motivational tool in order to enhance their job performance.Öğe Analysis of financial structure of cooperative organization in Nigeria(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2020) Sofoluwe, Nurudeen Afolabi; Ilo, BamideleThis study analysed financial structure of workers cooperatives using University based cooperatives as a case study. The paper employed secondary data from annual reports and accounts of the cooperatives between 2012 and 2018 accounting years and uses descriptive statistics to analysis the data. The financing structure of the cooperatives consists of share capital, reserves and savings. The assets structure of the cooperative consist of outstanding loans to member-patrons, cash and stock of trading items. Further analysis shows that the trend of share capital as a component of financing structure was increasing more consistently over the period.Öğe Factors affecting employees work ethical in organizations: the case of addis ababa city road authority(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2020) Tadesse, Tomas; Kero, Chalchissa AmentieThe main objective of the study was to assess factors affecting employee’s work ethics. To achieve objective of the study, 346 respondents were selected by simple random sampling method, and data were gathered through questionnaire. The major findings of the study show that leadership, organization structure, control, recruitment selection and training were factors affecting employee work ethics. Also the study found there was a statistically significant and positive relationship between the leadership, organization structure and control and recruitment selection and training and employee work ethics. Therefore, the study recommends organization administrator be supposed to involve employees in key decision making and create a relationship where employees can be open and free, management should support the employees and work together with employees in ensuring the procedures, code of conduct and processes are well understood and followed. Lastly recruitment should be done in a fair way and that the human resources department should ensure that proper vetting is done in order to hire staff with good ethical morals right from the beginning.Öğe Human capital development and service delivery of public health facilities(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2020) Chege, Agnes Kabithe; Mwenja, Dominic; Kiambati, Kellen; Mbugua, LeviHealthcare provision stipulated by Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a relatively new concept in many developing countries Sub-Saharan Africa part of Asia. Therefore, this study examined the influence of human capital development on the service delivery of devolved County Health Facilities. The path coefficients were positive and significant at 0.05 level of significance. The path coefficient beta value was ? = 0.50. These findings indicate that for every 1-unit increase in human capital development, service delivery is predicted to increase by 0.5 in public county health facilities in Kenya. The study concluded that measures contributed to the positive relationship between human capital development and service delivery in these facilities. As the hospitals lacked funding of further training for their staff and also failed to pay competitive salaries and allowances, the study recommends that for improved service delivery within these facilities, promotions should be on performance, as well remuneration. Most employees will work hard when they know that they get rewards for it. The hospitals should also promote staff and offer scholarships for training to the high performing staff.Öğe Effect of financial incentive scheme practice on employees’ motivation ın case of commercial bank of Ethiopia(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2020) Kefay, Kibru; Kero, Chalchissa Amentiea; Kumera, LaliseThe purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of financial incentive scheme practice on employees’ motivation in the case of CBE Jimma district. The study was descriptive as well as explanatory which used primary source of data. Non-probability and probability sampling method were applied (cluster & purposive). Accordingly, the major findings are, the overall perception of respondents about current financial incentive practice was shown as they are dissatisfied with salary and they are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with fringe benefits pay. The result of regression analysis shows that; financial incentive variables (salary and fringe benefits pay) were not significant predictors of employees’ motivation. Also of that, a significant portion of employees was at good motivation level to perform their job. Also, it is advisable to the bank to reviews its salary scale & fringe benefits pay practice even so it had not significantly affect employee motivation it may be a cause for employees’ dissatisfaction.Öğe Stock market liquidity and firm performance in the Nigerian stock exchange(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2020) Boloupremo, TarilaThe paper extends the investigation on the relationship between liquidity and stock returns by examining the influence of market liquidity on stock returns in the Nigerian Stock exchange. Vector auto-regression model was employed in examining the impact of liquidity measures such as the volume of trading and turnover on stock returns for the period 1985-2015. Empirical results suggest that the higher the market liquidity (volume of trading and turnover), the higher the stock index returns. Thus, establishing a positive relationship between liquidity and stock returns of firms listed on the Nigerian stock market during the period examined after controlling for market size. This result is not in line with the negative relationship between liquidity and market return as obtained by studies on developed markets.Öğe The role of tourism supporting facilities in determining the inflow of tourist, in case of Ethiopia(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2020) Negero, Moti TafaEthiopia has immense tourism potential owing to its natural, historical and cultural, but the country has poorly performing and getting lower economic from the sector and Ethiopian tourism sectorperformances have not yet been studied in details by scholars. However this paper, will identify tourism supporting facilities that determines tourist inflow to the country. Ethiopia has diversified tourism potential, on the contrary poorly performing country in terms of tourist inflows compare to African nations that have relatively less tourism factor resources. To develop the tourism industry, the most important question which is researchable is what supporting tourism facilities arethey the determines inflow of tourists.The study finding identified that the five most important determinants are: peace and stability, regional airports, international advocacy and marketing, access to tourist attractions, and hospitality service werefoster inflow of tourists in Ethiopia. Therefore, to develop the tourism potential and maximizing economic benefits and in the effort to reduce poverty and underdevelopment in Ethiopia giving attention to above aforementioned factor is highly important.Öğe Factors affecting profitability of insurance companies in ethiopia: panel evidence(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2020) Tegegn, Mengistu; Sera, Leta; Merra, Tesfaye MelakuProfitability is one of the most important objectives of financial management because one goal of financial management is to maximize the owner` s wealth. This paper examined the effects of firm specific factors (age of company, size of company, leverage ratio, premium growth rate liquidity ratio and tangibility of assets) on profitability proxied by ROA. Profitability is dependent variable while age of company, size of company, premium growth rate,leverage liquidity ratio and tangibility of assets) are independent variables. The sample in this study includes nine of the listed insurance companies for twelve years (2005-2016). Secondary data obtained from the financial statements (Balance sheet and Profit/Loss account) of insurance companies, financial publications of NBE are analyzed.Panel data analyzed using Random Effect Model (FEM) after testing the appropriateness of the model with Fixed Effect and Pooled regression model. From the regression results; size,premium growth rate and liquidity and age are identified as most important determinant factors of profitability hence premium growth rate and size, are positively related. In contrast liquidity and age negatively but significantly related with profitability. Lastly, leverage and tangibility of asset are not significantly related with profitability.