IJCF, Cilt 4, Sayı 2, Makale Koleksiyonu
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Öğe A new way of management: A scrum management(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2018) Karabulut, Ahu Tuğba; Ergun, EsraA scrum is widely used since 1990s in software development industry which is a fast changing and demanding industry so companies need to hire qualified employees who can manage themselves in a team based organizational structure to meet and exceed customer expectations. A scrum management offers advantages to software development companies to have and sustain competitive advantages. Its adaptations into other industries may be worthwhile to be explored from a management perspective to make contributions to both software development industry and other industries. The purpose of this paper is to shed a light to a new way of management which is a scrum management to make contributions to both software development industry and other industries. The concept, roles, objects, ceremonies, process and challenges of a scrum will be explained respectively in this paper which provides a comprehensive understanding of a scrum management.Öğe Does earning management happen in Islamıc bank? (Indonesia and Malaysia comparison)(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2018) Vania, Adela Sarah; Nugraha, Erik; Nugroho, LuckyThe purpose of this study was to determine the differences in earnings management practices in Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia and Malaysia. The method used in this research is descriptive and comparative method. The results of this study occur earnings management in Islamic banks in Indonesia and Malaysia, and there are significant differences. The results of the SPSS statistical tool obtained a significance value of 0.02 <0.05, so there are significant differences between the practice of earnings management in Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia and Malaysia.Öğe The effects of credit collection policy on portfolio microfinance performance(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2018) Ngonyani, Danstun B.; Mapesa, Harun J.This paper presents the results of the study on the effect of credit collection policy on portfolio risk management among microfinance institutions in Tanzania. The study used cross-sectional survey data of microfinance institutions in three regions of Dar es salaam, Morogoro and Dodoma. Random sampling was employed to obtain a sample of 219 microfinance institutions in all three regions. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine the effect of credit collection policy on portfolio at risk of microfinance institutions. Results show that, there is a positive relationship between interest rates charged and portfolio at risk of microfinance institutions. On the other hand, the variable for grace period on loans and loan sizes to borrowers had a negative relationship with portfolio at risk of microfinance institutions. These results suggest that, microfinance institutions can focus on explanatory variables used in the study for enhanced quality of financial performance of the microfinance industry.Öğe Examining prevailing internal value chain risks in horticulture values chains and its management in Ethiopia: The case of east showa tomato producers(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2018) Birbirsa, Zerihun Ayenew; Debele, Emnet NegashMany studies found that value chain risk management plays great role to get competitive advantage in the chain. However, despite its role, managing prevailing risks in the chain was not studied in comprehensive way by including both internal factors. The sample size of the study was a total of 275 farmers, input dealers and market traders found in East Shawa zone. The source of the data of the paper was both secondary and primary data in which the primary data was collected through questionnaires and interviews which was developed in English language and translated in local language. To achieve this objective, this study was divided in two stages: an exploratory and casual relationship testing. The findings of the study show that there is no efficient risk management program, there is no cooperation and coordination among value chain actors. In addition there is no design strategy to mitigate value chain risks and internal factor risks elements have medium importance in business activities to manage value chain risks. The multiple regression result show internal factors were significantly and positively influence effective risk management.Öğe Strategic management sensitivity scale development and validity research(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2018) Ataş, Münir; Kasımoğlu, MuratThe paper aims to develop a scale to be applied to the managers by conducting sensitivity analysis on strategic management activities. This paper uses a sample of 320 managers who are working in strategy units in the public institutions, municipalities, private sector, universities and managers engaged in strategic management activities in Turkey. Data is collected via the draft scale called “Strategic Management Sensitivity Scale Form” developed by the researcher. Dimensionality analysis, normality analysis, reliability analysis and factor analysis for construct validity are performed for data processing. The results revealed that the scale has 24 items measured by a five-point Likert-type scale. The items are grouped under three factors as (1) Distribution, Dissemination and Action Sensitivity, (2) Planning Sensitivity and (3) Process Sensitivity. They accounted for 58.49% of the total variance. The scale has a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.86. This improved scale is found fairly high in terms of validity and reliability. This paper has focused on the roles of managers in strategic management and strategic planning processes. The results show the importance of the managers’ strategic management activities in the planning and decision making processes. This paper contributes to the literature on strategic management and strategic planning on managerial issues, human resource effectiveness and firms’ strategies. Organizations can benefit from this scale on issues such as better recognition of people in recruitment, determination of training needs and promotion process.Öğe Challenges regarding the electronic bill of lading (Ebol)(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2018) Ziakas, VasileiosThe electronic bill of lading (eBoL) has not been into practice up to the present despite the fact that digitalization gains ground at a rapid pace. There are a few reasons why there is such disbelief as regards the substitution of the paper bill of lading. Generally speaking, a great debate has been raging all these years. Advantages as well as disadvantages are to be found on both sides. On the one hand, defenders of the idea that the electronic bill is realizable in near future even though there are a few drawbacks to be overcome, collide with the reluctance and hesitation of those who controvert the concept of the eBoL. But on which basis are the objections and oppositions exactly based. Significant steps in the right direction are to be pointed out, but it seems that there are still crucial practical hindrances at the frontÖğe Business-it alignment effects on business agility(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2018) Koçu, LorinThe purpose of this study is to examine the effect of business-IT Alignment effects on business agility. The questionnaire of this study was given to 504 people via online survey who work as a manager in 3 public, 9 private and 16 foreign capital banks in Turkey. 334 valid questionnaires were collected back and analyzed. Corellastion, Regresion and Multiple Regretion analysis were used. According to the findings business-IT alignment has a positive effect on the business agility. As sub dimensions intellectual alignment and business align-ment have a positive effect on the business agility. When we look at Business –IT alignment effect on business agility dimensions. It has positive effects on all six dimension of business agility (Agile Values, Technology Workforce, Change Management, Collaboration & Coordination and Flexible Infrastructure.)Öğe Larry Page: From x to y(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2018) Braha, MedinaTheory X and Theory Y represent assumptions on manager’s attitude towards human nature and behavior. Theory X assumes a negative manager attitude, while Theory Y assumes the opposite. Accordingly, Douglas McGregor, founder of this theory, believed X-type leaders should convert to Y-types if they are to motivate and perform successfully. This work aims to provide real-life support of McGregor’s assumption through a case study on the leadership profile of Larry Page, co-founder and twice CEO of Google and current CEO of Alphabet. Page’s leadership profile drawn from this analysis acts in favor of Theory Y’s assumptions, howev-er, transfer from X appears to have taken place beforehand. The conversion appears to be associated with the benefits anticipated by McGregorÖğe The moderator role of psychological capital between perceived organizational support and work-family balance: A service sector research(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2018) Köle, Mahmut; Kurt, AliStudies on work-family conflict and balance are carried out in management/organization literature and these studies mostly focus on work-family conflict. It is thought that studying work-family relationship with a view of positive psychology and focusing the balance concept rather than conflict will result more positively. In studies conducted so far, it has been shown that there are meaningful effects of organizational support on work-family balance. However, although they are working in the same organization, taking the presence of people at odds with balancing between work and family into account, it is apparent that there are some personal factors inside. The studies in the literature tries to explain this problem with mostly general discrepancies in personalities such as age and gender and they seldom focus on psychological and cognitive background. The aim of this study is to search how the psychological capital of people play a role between perceived organizational support and work-family balance and to emphasize the psychological and cognitive background which was overlooked by other studies. Research hypotheses have been tested by SPSS and AMOS with the data gathered by field research and thus, it has been observed that psychological capital of people play a moderator role in the relationship between work and family balance with the support of organization and manager.Öğe The effects of customs union on Turkey's competitiveness and foreign trade(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2018) Aşçı, Mehmet EnesIn this study we will look at the relations between Turkey and the EU from the perspective of the Custom Union. First we will try to observe and understand the process of the Custom Union and its possible effect on the Turkish economy. Then we will try to understand the problems with Custom Union and its results on the relationships between Turkey and EU countries. Finally, we will make a general assessment in order to cover the whole issueÖğe Corporate culture and financial risk management in Islamıc social enterprises (Indonesia evidence)(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2018) Nugroho, Lucky; Utami, Wiwik; Sanusi, Zuraidah Muhammad; Setiyawati, HariThis research aims to investigate the implementation of corporate culture and financial risk management in Islamic social enterprises. The methodology in this research is qualitative descriptive that using manager self-assessment questioner in Islamic social enterprises. The sample in this research is 24 respondents from the total 100 respondents that we distribute in Jakarta and Java Island. The results are financial risk management has an average score above 80 that reflect it has implemented well in Islamic social enterprises but for corporate culture still need improvement implementationÖğe The relationship between organizational ambidexterity and family business performance(İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2018) Ülgen, Beliz; Gözen, AylinThe concept of organizational ambidexterity is vitally important for family businesses as they have specific characteristics that lead to the ability to pursue both exploitive and exploratory orientation which results in a positive performance effect on family businesses. Organizational ambidexterity (OA) is currently recognized as one of the most critical factors in achieving sustainable competitive advantage; since there is not only short-term activity but also long-term innovation at the basis of organizational ambidexterity. In this respect, the aim of this study is to examine the concept of organizational ambidexterity from the theoretical perspective and to determine the organizational ambidexterity levels of the family businesses within the scope of this research and to determine the relationship between the organizational ambidexterity levels of those family businesses and their performances. For this purpose, the questionnaire technique was utilized developing questions from the existing literature. The questionnaire considering 47 items was presented to approximately 500 family businesses operating in Turkey through face to face interviews or via internet. At the end of the research 349 net responses were obtained from those family businesses. As a result of the Structural Equation Model used in the analysis, findings indicate that there is a positive and statistically significant relationship between organizational ambidexterity and the family business performance