Kaymas, Serhat2016-08-242016-08-2420162149-3669https://hdl.handle.net/11467/1507https://doi.org/10.21645/intermedia.2016318943Küreselleşme sürecinin kendisini yeniden gerçekleştirdiği ya da ürettiği ağlar / alanlar arasında yeni enformasyon ve iletişim teknolojileri özel bir konuma sahiptir. Bununla birlikte, yeni enformasyon ve iletişim teknolojilerinin küreselleşme süreciyle etkileşimi yalnızca büyük anlatılar üzerinden ekonomik ve politik uzamlarda değil mikro örnekleri üzerinden de çözümlenmelidir. Bu çalışmada; yeni iletişim ve enformasyon teknolojilerinin küresel kamusal alanı oluşturma biçimi ve pratiğine dair kapasitesi, dış habercilik üzerine gerçekleştirilen tartışma ile çözümlenecektir. Araştırma, Barselona-Düseldorf seferini gerçekleştirirken, haber okuyucularının hatırlayabileceği gibi, ikinci pilotun hatası sonucunda düşen Alman Germanwings Şirketi’nin işletmesindeyken düşen uçağa ilişkin haberlerin çözümlenmesi dış ya da küresel haber uygulaması içerisinde ele almaktadır. Araştırma, söz konusu uçağın 24 Mart 2015 tarihinde düşmesi ile birlikte başlayan haber öykülerinin bir haftalık dönemi (24-31 Mart 2015) ele alınmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda, küresel kamusal alanın oluşmasına dair örnekler eleştirel söylem analizi ve söylemler arası analiz yöntemi ile çözümlenmektedir. Araştırma, küresel kamusal alanın oluşturulma biçiminin çözümlenmesi ile ilgili bir çabayı da içerdiği için üç ülkenin gazetelerini ele almaktadır. Türkiye’den Hürriyet, Vatan ve Milliyet, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nden USA Today ve The New York Times, İngiltere’den ise The Indepentent ve The Guardian’ın haberleri 24 Mart 2015-31 Mart 2015 tarihleri arasında değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma, corpus dilbilim analizi ile haber fotoğraflarının çözümlenmesi ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Küreselleşme sürecinin; ekonomik, siyasal ve kültürel alanlardaki bir yakınsama dönemi olduğu kadar haber söylemlerinin de ortak bir anlatıyı oluşturması çalışma sonucunda belirlenmiştir.Among in the realm of the globalization’s self-realization and reproduction process, the new information and communication technologies have been gained a privileged and distinct position. But, the nexus and interconnections between the new information and communication technologies and globalization ought to analysed is not only macro narratives as well economical and political axis but also micro samples of this and ongoing interaction. In this study, the new information and communication technologies capability’s of the moulded and practices of the global public sphere are being analysed over the discussion on the foreign news. The research is dealing with the foreign or global news analysis of the crashed aircraft which is under the operation of Germangwings Company. As the known of the news reader, the plane is being crashed by the wrongs of the co-pilot. The research has focused on the one week period of the global news. News analysis of this story is started from March 24 2015 and expanded to March 31 2015. In this respect, the news stories which are the reading of the samples of the global public sphere is analysed by the methods of critical discourse and inter discourse analysis. The research is also aims to the analysis of the moulded or shaped the ways of the global public sphere by the news stories, the newspapers is selected three countries. In this context, The New York Times from United States of America, The Guardian from United Kingdom and also Hürriyet, Vatan and Milliyet from the Republic of Turkey has been selected in this period (from March 24 to March 31 2015). Corpus linguistic analysis is being provided for the critical debates of the conventionalised discursive practises in the news and newsworthiness. Having discussed news, news values and corpus linguistic analysis, the writer of this article has investigated the Germanwings crash news and globalization’s self realization process. As globalization process is being expanded beyond the national borders and in this regard globalization’s self-making structure and practices are as long ingrained as like the history, the research interest in which the researchers are deal especially with the analysis of the media globalization process and understanding of the media and globalization nexus, the global news and in this regard the discourses of the global news are both has become a locus of increasing media research areas and of course emerged, to say that honestly, also newly established, has become research inquiry realm for the understanding of the globalization. In this context, this study has aimed to open a debate on the ongoing relations between media and globalization nexus, namely media globalization process via the case study of the Germanwings crash. The study has divided into two main chapter and open a debate on the other side of the globalization which is consider of the transformation of the news from the global case into the localization practices. The study is looking for an answer of these questions: What is the global news? What are the dimensions of global and local news? When the global news transited into the local news and which effects? As Katie Day Good (2013:295-296) has pointed out that like its counterparts in the ‘hard’ news selections of newspapers, the ‘soft’ news of journalism (although she’s studies is intensified on the travel journalism, the other soft news are applicable especially for the aim of this study) is loaded with culturally coded messages and representations of cultural differences. However well established in the other aspect of the journalism and the news making process, the global news and in this regard the global news’s transformation process into the local one is rarely inquired in the communication studies. But at least for the researcher of this study, this inquires is not only understanding of the news media but also is contributed for the understanding and in this regard paved the way of the rethinking of the globalization and media nexus. This study is carried on the corpus linguistic analysis on the seven newspapers which are stand for different cultures, news values and news professionalism. During the study, in spite of the news values, news selection and professional differences among these newspapers, the localization strategies and news localization practices are almost near. In conclusion, while the localization of the global news is emerged relatively new phenomenon, the researcher’s have to intensified on these aspects for not only analysis of media and globalization nexus but also set up and developing of the new path of the social sciences.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessKüresel HaberHaber SöylemiKüresel Kamusal AlanCorpus Dilbilim AnaliziGlobal NewsNews DiscourseGlobal Public SphereCorpus Linguistic AnalysisBir uçak yolculuğunda küresel köyü yeniden izlemek: yeni iletişim ve enformasyon teknolojileri, küresel haber ve küresel kamusal alanın oluşumu üzerine bir değerlendirmeRe-watching to the global village through the plane journey: an assessment on the new information and communication technologies, global news and consist of the global public sphereArticle31497910.21645/intermedia.2016318943