Kasımoğlu, MuratMazlum, Ahmet Rasim2017-12-082018-08-052017-12-082018-08-052017Mazlum, Ahmet Rasim. (2017). Determining of key performance indicators in business. (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İşletme, İstanbulhttps://hdl.handle.net/11467/2126http://library.ticaret.edu.tr/e-kaynak/tez/74167.pdfTez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi -- Kaynakça var.As a result of technological developments, the impact of globalization on the social and economic environment is rapidly and constantly changing. Since increasing competition is not only within the borders of the country, all businesses have up-to- date strategies and have to put them into practice. Many state and private sector businesses, which are aware of this change, have sought to find a strategy that is diverse, feasible and capable of achieving their goals. In addition, performance management plays an important role to sustain companies’ assets and competitiveness. In this sense, key performance indicators (KPIs) that are the cornerstone of performance management are defined and explained in this study. KPIs are financial or non-financial metrics used to quantify objectives to reflect the strategic performance of the organization. Characteristics, principles of KPIs are mentioned respectively. The aim of this study is to show how businesses can determine which KPI is the best for their companies in order to reach their goals. Choosing the right KPIs have been mentioned in Chapter 1 in detail. Some examples of the KPIs are also given at the end of this section. In Chapter 2, the concepts of performance and performance management have been emphasized in detail. Then, “Balanced Scorecard Method” (BSM) which is one of the multi-dimensional performance measurement methods is discussed. Balanced scorecard measurements are a management system that allows organizations to clarify their visions and strategies and transform them into action.LIST OF TABLES, V -- LIST OF FIGURES, VI -- ABBREVIATIONS, VII -- INTRODUCTION, 1 -- 1. DEFINITION AND CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK, 2 -- 1.1. Key Performance Indicators, 2 -- 1.2. Purpose of the Key Performance Indicators, 4 -- 1.3. Characteristics of the Key Performance Indicators, 8 -- 1.3.1. Scarse, 8 -- 1.3.2. Drillable, 8 -- 1.3.3. Simple, 9 -- 1.3.4. Practical, 9 -- 1.3.5. Owned, 10 -- 1.3.6. Referenced, 10 -- 1.3.7. Related, 11 -- 1.3.8. Balanced, 12 -- 1.3.9. Ordered, 12 -- 1.3.10. Confirmed, 13 -- 1.3.11. Regulated, 13 -- 1.3.12. Distributed, 14 -- 1.4. Principles of Key Performance Indicators, 15 -- 1.5. Usage Areas of The Key Performance Indicators, 16 -- 1.6. Determining KPIs, 18 -- 1.7. Visualization of KPIs, 22 -- 1.8. Display KPI On The Tables And Dashboard, 25 -- 1.9. Visuals Used in Dashboards for KPIs, 26 -- 2. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT & MEASUREMENTS METHOD -- WITH BALANCED SCORECARD, 30 -- 2.1. The Concept of the Performance Management, 30 -- 2.2. Performance Measurements, 33 -- 2.3. Contribution of the Performance Management System, 35 -- 2.3.1. Benefits to the Employees, 35 -- 2.3.2. Benefits to the Manager, 36 -- 2.3.3. Benefits to the Business, 37 -- 2.4. Inadequacy of Traditional Performance Appraisal Methods, 38 -- 2.4.1. Mainly Consisting of Financial Measures, 38 -- 2.4.2 To Be Focused Short-term, 38 -- 2.4.3. To Be Past-Oriented, 39 -- 2.4.4. Not Supporting Strategic Applications, 39 -- 2.4.5. Not Matching the Reality of Business World, 40 -- 2.4.6. Being Irrelevant to Many Parts of the Business Departments, 40 -- 2.5. As a New Model For Performance Management System: Balance Scorecard 40 -- 2.6. Emergence and Development of the Balance Scorecard Method, 45 -- 2.7. Balanced Scorecard Execution Processes, 46 -- 2.8. Relation and Role of Key Performance Indicators with Balanced Measurement Scorecards, 47 -- 2.9. The Perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard, 47 -- 2.9.1 Financial Perspective, 49 -- 2.9.2 Internal-Business-Process Perspective, 50 -- 2.9.3 Customer Perspective, 52 -- 2.9.4."Learning and Growth" (Innovation and Learning) Perspective, 54 -- 2.10. Implementation of Balanced Scorecard, 56 -- 2.11. Deficiencies of BSM, 57 -- 2.12. Benefits of BSM, 58 -- 2.13. Elements to Consider When Implementing a Balanced Scorecard, 59 -- 2.14. Barriers in Balanced Scorecard Execution, 60 -- 3. CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF SECTORAL TRENDS THAT GUIDE KPIS; A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS, 63 -- 3.1. Factors Directing Companies' Key Performance Indicator at Global Level, 64 -- 3.1.1. Factors Directing The Key Performance Indicator in The Manufacuring Industry, 66 -- 3.1.2. Trends in the Energy Sector, 67 -- 3.1.3. Trends in Advanced Technology and Communication Sector, 68 -- 3.1.4. Trends in Agriculture Sector, 68 -- 3.1.5. Trends in Service Sector, 69 -- CONCLUSION, 73 -- REFERENCES, 7eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessPerformans_YönetimÇalışanlar_DeğerlendirmePerformance_ManagementEmployees_Rating ofHF 5549.5.R3/M39Determining of key performance indicators in businessMaster Thesis183472142