Çetinsoy, Ertuğrul2020-11-212020-11-212015978-1-4799-6010-12373-6720https://hdl.handle.net/11467/4086International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS) -- JUN 09-12, 2015 -- Denver, COWOS:000388438500011In this work, design and control system development of a gas-electric hybrid quad tilt-rotor UAV with morphing wing are presented. The proposed aircraft has an all carbon-composite body, gas-electric hybrid electric generation system for 3 hours hovering or up to 10 hours of horizontal flight, a novel configuration for VTOL and airplane-like flights with minimized aerodynamic costs and mechanical morphing wings for both low speed and high speed horizontal flights. The mechanical design of the vehicle is performed to achieve a strong and light-weight structure, whereas the aerodynamic and propulsion system designs are aimed for accomplishing both fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft flights with maximized flight endurance. A detailed dynamic model of the aerial vehicle is developed including the effects of tilting rotors, variable fuel weight, and morphing wing lift-drag forces and pitching moments. Control system is designed for both flight regimes and flight simulations are carried out to check the performance of the proposed control system.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessQuad tilt-rotor UAVgaselectric hybridmorphing wingdynamic modelsimulationDesign and Control of a Gas-Electric Hybrid Quad TiltRotor UAV with Morphing WingConference Object8291N/AWOS:000388438500011N/A2-s2.0-84941104562