Koçu, Lorin2019-07-102019-07-102018https://hdl.handle.net/11467/2761The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of business-IT Alignment effects on business agility. The questionnaire of this study was given to 504 people via online survey who work as a manager in 3 public, 9 private and 16 foreign capital banks in Turkey. 334 valid questionnaires were collected back and analyzed. Corellastion, Regresion and Multiple Regretion analysis were used. According to the findings business-IT alignment has a positive effect on the business agility. As sub dimensions intellectual alignment and business align-ment have a positive effect on the business agility. When we look at Business –IT alignment effect on business agility dimensions. It has positive effects on all six dimension of business agility (Agile Values, Technology Workforce, Change Management, Collaboration & Coordination and Flexible Infrastructure.)eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessBusiness-IT AlignmentBusiness AgilityBanking SectorBusiness-it alignment effects on business agilityArticle426093