Toku, Aslı Burcu2023-10-122023-10-122023 izleme (self-monitoring), sosyal psikolog Snyder’in 1974 yılında ortaya attığı bir kavramdır. Bir kişilik özelliği olan kendini izleme, sosyal etkileşim durumundaki bir bireyin davranışlarını etkileşimde bulunduğu diğer insanlara göre denetleyip düzenlemesinin bir ölçüsüdür. Kendini izleme eğilimi yüksek olan bireyler, farklı ortamlara ve durumlara kolaylıkla adapte olurken, kendini izleme eğilimi düşük olan bireyler ise daha çok gerçek düşünce ve tutumlarını yansıtacak şekilde davranmaktadır. Synder, kendini izlemenin özellikle tüketici davranışları üzerinde etkili olduğunu ve bireylerin diğer insanları referans alarak kişisel sunumlarını şekillendirdiklerini ifade etmektedir. Araştırmanın amacı, kendini izleme eğilimi ve giyim kategorisinde yer alan ürünlerin tüketimi arasında anlamlı bir ilişkinin var olup olmadığının ortaya konmasıdır. Araştırma kapsamında, bireylerin kendini izleme eğilimi Lennox ve Wolfe’un Gözden Geçirilmiş Kendini İzleme Ölçeği (Self-Monitoring Scale: Revised Form) ile belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırma bulguları, bireylerin kendini izleme eğilimlerinin giyim ürünlerine yönelik olarak yapılan alışveriş sıklığını ve harcanan para miktarını belirleyen bir unsur olmadığını ortaya koymuştur. Bununla birlikte, bireylerin kendini izleme eğilimi ister düşük olsun, isterse de yüksek olsun, giyim ürünleri söz konusu olduğunda başka insanların beğenisine atfedilen önem ile alışveriş sıklığı arasında anlamlı bir ilişki vardır.Self-monitoring is a concept introduced by social psychologist Mark Snyder in 1974. However, this concept is still up to date today. The reason for this is that no matter how much time passes, human nature does not change. Self-monitoring, a personality trait, is a measure of an individual’s control and regulation of his or her behaviors in relation to other people with whom he or she interacts. Individuals with high self-monitoring tendency easily adapt themselves to the environment and situation, while individuals with low self-monitoring tendency behave in a way that reflects their real thoughts and attitudes. As a result, it can be stated that everyone has a tendency to monitor themselves more or less. Synder states that self-monitoring is especially effective on consumer behavior and that individuals shape their personal presentations by referencing other people. Therefore, the relationship between self-monitoring and consumption behavior will be examined within the scope of the following research questions: RQ1: Do the self-monitoring averages of individuals differ significantly according to their demographic characteristics? RQ2: Do individuals’ self-monitoring averages differ significantly according to their shopping frequency and monthly expenditures for products in the clothing category? RQ3: Is there a significant relationship between the importance attributed to the thoughts of others for purchased clothing products and the frequency of shopping for clothing products? RQ4: Is there a significant relationship between the importance attributed to the thoughts of others for purchased clothing products and the monthly shopping amount for clothing products? The aim of the research is to reveal that there is a relationship between the tendency of self-monitoring and their consumption behaviors towards the products in the clothing category. One of the main purposes of the research is to try to fill the gap that exists due to the limited number of studies in the literature on self-monitoring. When a search was made with the keyword self-monitoring, it was concluded that the only study that is Eda Yılmaz Alarçin’s (2019) article titled “A Study on the Relationship Between Self- Consept, SelfMonitoring and Conspicuous Consumption”. Therefore, this research is important in that it is one of the first to examine the tendency of self-monitoring in terms of consumer behavior. Within the scope of the research, the self-monitoring tendency of individuals was tried to be determined with the Self-Monitoring Scale, which was first introduced by Synder and developed by Lennox and Wolfe in the following years. The scale consists of the sub-dimensions of “ability to modify self-presentation” and “sensitivity to the expressive behaviors of others”. The scale consists of a total of 12 statements. As a result of factor analysis, no item was removed from the scale. The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of the scale was found as ?=.86 and it can be stated that it is quite reliable. Within the scope of the research, the questionnaire was applied to a total of 403 participants, but 16 of these participants were excluded from the sample because of the inconsistency between their answers to the questions. The research is limited to individuals aged 18 and over and between 20 July and 15 September 2022. In terms of consumer behavior, the research is limited to the consumption of products in the clothing category only. Because clothing products are expressed by many authors in the literature as a means of displaying the most prominent social visibility and personal image. Appearance is like a stage of theatre. However, examining the relationship between self-monitoring and consumption not only for clothing products but also for different consumer products can lead to different academic studies. Questionnaire was preferred as the data collection method and hypotheses were tested by applying T-test for independent samples, MANOVA analysis and Chi-Square analysis. The aim of the research is to reveal whether there is a significant relationship between the tendency to self-monitoring and the consumption of products in the clothing category. One of the first results of the study is that individuals’ self-monitoring abilities do not change according to their demographic characteristics. In other words, the educational status, gender and age of individuals do not make any significance in terms of self-monitoring tendency. However, self-monitoring tendencies of individuals are not a factor that determines the frequency of shopping for clothing products and the amount of money spent on clothing products. On the other hand, the frequency of shopping for clothing products varies according to the degree of importance of the clothing products purchased by others. Therefore, it can be stated that individuals do not actually shop for themselves, but for reasons such as being accepted, liked and respected by other people. One of the remarkable findings of the study is that when it comes to purchasing clothing products, the most dominant reason is that they feel that the products they own are outdated.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessKendini İzleme, Giyim Ürünleri, Tüketici DavranışıSelf-monitoring, Clothing Products, Consumer BehaviorKendini izleme ve giyim ürünlerine yönelik tüketim davranışı ilişkisiThe Relationship Between Self-Monitoring and Consumption Behavior For Clothing ProductsArticle1018728810.56133/intermedia.1240978