Begtimur, Mehmet EminMazıcı, Nurşen2021-01-112021-01-112019İletişim alanında kitle iletişim araçlarının etkilerini ölçmeye yönelik araştırmalar bundan yaklaşık yüzyıl önce başlamıştır. Bu süreçte farklı araştırmacı ve kurumlar tarafından farklı metotlarla etki araştırmaları yapılmış ve araştırma sonuçları da farklı amaçlar için kullanılmıştır. İlk başta gerçekleştirilen etki araştırmaları siyasi haberlerin etkilerine odaklanılmışken zamanla şiddet ve ekonomi haberlerinin okur üzerindeki etkileri de araştırma konusu olmuştur. Kitle iletişim araçlarında politik, ekonomik ve şiddet haberlerinden sonra büyük bir öneme sahip olan magazin haberleri gerek gazetecilerin gerekse medya kuruluşlarının vazgeçilemez can simidi haline gelmiştir. Siyasi baskı, karı arttırma ve kolay olanı yakalama gibi nedenlerden dolayı magazin içerikli haber ve programlar yaygınlık kazanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada kitle iletişim araçlarında büyük bir yer tutan magazin haberlerinin, özellikle de magazin haberlerinde kadınların tüketim nesnesi olarak kullanılmasının okurların kadına olan bakış açısı ve değer yargısını değiştirip değiştirmediğini ölçmek amaçlanmıştır. Anket araştırması yöntemi ile gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmada, magazin haberlerinin okurların kadına olan bakış açısı ve değer yargısının değişmesinde orta düzeyde bir etkiye sahip olduğu otaya konulmuştur.Extended Abstract: Mass media have important functions in social life. It can be summarized as informing, transfering and protection of cultural values, socializing, public opinion creating, entertaining, education and awareness creating also in general. According to critical approach, functions of mass media are expressed differently from these definitions mentioned above. Mass media sell their products and services and products of the economic system they advertise, it also sells itself and consciousness of capitalist marketing system. Considering the critical functions of mass media, the main tool of globalization, it is possible to say that the mass media acts according to market economy and it has orientation, usage, passivation, activation, modification, fragmentation and merging effects on society. As the most powerful weapon in the cultural industry, mass media are marketing the cultural structure of society in line their needs and interests by producing in accordance with their own conditions and according to the operation of its own system. By producing some content that can appeal to all audience, mass media develops behavior forms that appropriate to the content they produced. It is possible to see these behavior forms at “work, eat, drink, fun, world empty, life pleasant” type programs, produced with hedonist approach. One of the mass media productions produced with these hedonist approach is magazine news. In the field of communication, studies on measuring th effects of mass media have started a century ago. In this period, effect measuring researches has been made by different researchers and institiutions with differnet methods and its results had been used for various purposes. When first studies were focusing on the effects of the political news, the effects of the violence news and the economic news on readers have started to become the themes of communication studies by time. Besides political, violence and economic news, the magazine news have an important place in mass media and has becoming an indispensable lifesaver of journalists and media organizations. Just because of political oppression and intend of raising the profit, the magazine-containing news and programsa are becoming populer.Whether audio-visual media or print media and internet publishing are attaching importance to magazine journalism, Just because of the necessity of industrialization process and competition market and the pressure of government on mass media and intend of getting high profit with low cost. Therefore it is important to research and understand the content of magazine news and its effects on readers, just because of these magazine news, on the one hand it is acting accordance to executive power by push away readers from the real problems of society, on the other hand becoming the cheap news source of mass media and on another hand it enable the people who is called “famous” to be in aganda and not to be forget. Therefore, in this study, the effects of magazine news, which became an important part of media products, on viewpoint and value judgment of readers to woman were investigated. In this context, the hypothesis of the study was built as ’Magazine news imposes on the reader that ‘women are valuable with their appearance not with their ideas’. This study is designed with an experimental research model examining the cause and effect relationship between variables. In accordance with this model, one of the quantitative research methods, survey research method was used. It is focused on the effects of number of daily magazine news read by participants - independent variables - on viewpoint and value judgment of readers to woman, wich is dependent variables. The universe of study is consisted of Ankara, Izmir and Istanbul, the largest three cities in Turkey. In the sample creation process, non-random sampling methods were preferred in order to obtain data suitable for the purpose of the research. When selecting the samples by this sampling methods, ‘Reading at least one or two magazines every day via internet and be adult’ has been defined as only criterion for sample selection. Survey research conducted within this studies were limited with 400 magazine news readers from Ankara, Izmir and Istanbul. There are demographic, categorical and likert type grading scale questions in questionnaire forms (The thesis that this study was produced contains more than one hypothesis and the questionnaire forms consists of a total of 23 questions and the questions directly related to the hypothesis of this study are included). Collecting data in the scope of the research were done from 19 November 2018 until 15 December 2018, in Ankara, Izmir and Istanbul, by visiting the three cities personally and questionnaire forms were collected by hand. SPSS 25 package program was used in the analysis of the obtained data. In the analysis of the data obtained, effect size, t-test for independent variables and descriptive statistics results was evaluated. In result, this essay has revealed that the magazine news in the internet newspaper has intermediate effects on viewpoint and value judgment of readers to woman.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessEtkiMagazin HaberiKadınAnket AraştırmasıEffectMagazine NewsWomanSurveyMagazin haberlerinin okurların kadına bakış açısı üzerindeki etkileriThe effects of magazine news on viewpoint of readers to womanArticle61110011610.21645/intermedia.2019.62