Sundurdu, Seden2024-12-312024-12-312024Sundurdu, S. (2024). İzlerken Al Özellikli Ürün Yerleştirme Uygulamaları: 4N1K Yeni Başlangıçlar Örneği. Intermedia International e-Journal, 11(21) 237-257.2149-3669 “yeni” iletişim aracı, yalnızca iletişim alanını değil, aynı zamanda reklamcılık gibi kitle iletişimini kullanan pek çok farklı sektörü etkilemektedir. İnternet teknolojilerindeki gelişmeler yeni reklam alanları yaratmış, buna paralel olarak hem yeni reklam türleri ortaya çıkmış hem de var olan reklam türlerinde birtakım dönüşümler yaşanmıştır. Bu reklam türlerinden biri ürün yerleştirmedir. Günümüzde ürün yerleştirme uygulamaları, çevrim içi yayınlarda izleyicilerin sahnede gördükleri ürünleri, doğrudan aynı ekrana tıklayarak satın alabilecekleri “izlerken al” özelliğini taşıyabilmektedir. Bu özellik, ikinci ekran uygulamalarından farklı olarak, ikinci cihazın varlığına olan ihtiyacı ortadan kaldırmaktadır. Araştırmada Türkiye’de daha önce herhangi bir çalışmaya konu olmamış “izlerken al” özelliği incelenmekte ve bu özelliğin nasıl kullanıldığı konusunda durum tespiti yapmak amaçlanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda araştırma soruları, izlerken al özellikli ürün yerleştirmelerin süreleri, ürünün sektörü, markası ve yerleştirme stratejisinin ne olduğu ile yerleştirmelerin sıklığını ölçmek üzerine kurulmuştur. İzlerken al özellikli ürün yerleştirmeleri araştırmak üzere, Türkiye’nin ilk izlerken al özellikli dizisi 4N1K Yeni Başlangıçlar seçilmiştir. Dizinin tüm bölümleri araştırmaya dahil edilmiş, metin içerik analizi tekniğiyle incelenmiştir. Çözümleme sonucunda, izlerken al özelliğine sahip ürün yerleştirme uygulamalarının, geleneksel ürün yerleştirme uygulamalarından farklı olarak belirli bir zaman aralığıyla sınırlı olmadığı, bölüm boyunca erişilebilir olduğu görülmüştür. İzlerken al özellikli ürün yerleştirmelerin sektörlere göre dağılımı incelendiğinde, beyaz eşya ve küçük ev aletleri ilk sırada yer almıştır. Araştırmanın markalara ilişkin analiz bölümünde, sektöre ilişkin bulgulara paralel olarak, Vestel’in en çok reklam veren marka olduğu görülmüştür. İzlerken al özellikli ürün yerleştirmesi yapılan bazı ürünlerin markasının bulunmadığı, markası belirtilmeyen bu ürünlerin tersine ürün yerleştirmelerinin yapıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Uygulamaların %90,94’ünün görsel yerleştirme olduğu saptanmıştır.With the rapid developments in information and communication technologies, each “new” medium of communication affects not only the field of communication, but also many different fields that use mass communication. One of the fields that has evolved with new communication technologies is advertising. In particular, new developments in web technologies have created new advertising areas, parallel to this, not only new advertising types have emerged, but also existing advertising types have evolved into formats that can be published on the internet. One of these types is product placement. In the literature review, it was seen that some of the studies on product placement in Türkiye were conducted on product placement in movies (Argan, Nurtaniş Velioğlu, & Tokay Argan, 2007; Arslan, 2004; E. Yolcu, 2003, 2006). Product placements on television were also studied before the practice was legally defined by Law No. 6112 in 2011 (Demir, 2008; T. Yolcu, 2010). With the developments in new media technologies, the transfer of TV series to streaming platforms has caused a transformation in research topics. Therefore, series prepared to be broadcasted only on streaming platforms instead of television have become the subject of product placement research. Studies generally examined the effects of product place ments in web series on consumers’ attitudes or behaviors towards the brands (E. Çelik, 2019; U. Çelik, 2018; Çetin, 2020; Ünal, 2020; Berna Yılmaz, 2019). When the literature abroad was examined, studies measuring the effect of product placements in web series (Iyer, 2019; Kakkar & Nayak, 2019; Li, 2023) and examining audience’s attitudes towards product placements (Iyer & Siddhartha, 2021) were found, just like in Türkiye. Laban, Zeidler and Brussee (2018) examined the frequency of product placements in Netflix’s original and non-original productions and found that there is a higher probability of seeing product placements in the original content. In the literature review, no research was found examining “buy while watching” product placement practices in Türkiye. Therefore, it is thought that the study will contribute to the field.In Türkiye, a new feature called “buy while watching” where audience can instantly buy the products in the scene by clicking on them while watching the series has been implemented into a web series named 4N1K Yeni Başlangıçlar. The feature in question, unlike second screen applications, eliminates the need for the presence of a second device. This research examines the product placements with buy while watching feature, and aims to find out how the feature is used. In accord ance with the purpose of the research, content analysis technique was chosen to examine the product placement practices with buy while watching feature in the series. Since the series consists of only thirteen episodes, all of the episodes were included in the analysis. Categories for analysis were determined as: duration, sector, product/brand and placement strategy. Although there are many different classifications of product placement, in this study Russell’s (1998, 2002) product placement categories (verbal, visual, and plot placements) were used to determine which type the placement is. As a result of the analysis, it was found that product placement applications with buy while watching feature were not limited to a certain time period, unlike traditional product placement applications. A list containing which products were on sale, what the features and the prices of these products was accessible by clicking throughout the whole episode. Moreover, this situation was presented in a positive way, as it was done without spoiling the enjoyment of watching, during which the viewer could make a purchase either at the moment the ad was seen or at the end of the episode. The findings regarding the frequency of product placements with buy while watching feature according to sectors showed that “white goods and small household appliances”, “clothing, shoes and accessories” and “electronics” were the sectors with the most product placements. In white goods sector, all product placements promoted the same brand: Vestel. Unlike other brands, Vestel’s “white goods” were in vibrant colors such as red. Thus, a concept aimed at young consumers, the target audience of the series, was brought to the fore. It was found that 26 of the product placements with buy while watching feature were not branded. Two of the three unbranded products had “ties” to the characters. These objects were made “meaningful” to the characters in the story and were transformed into products through reverse placements. When examined according to the placement type, it was seen that 90.94% of product placements with buy while watching feature were visual placements. This may be because of the fact that the structure of the buy while watching feature is based on visual codes. Whether this feature has any effects on brand recall can be examined in future studies.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessİzlerken AlÜrün YerleştirmeWeb Dizileri4N1K Yeni BaşlangıçlarBuy While WatchingProduct PlacementWeb Series4N1K Yeni Başlangıclarİzlerken AI özellikli ürün yerleştirme uygulamaları: 4N1K yeni başlangıçlar örneğiProduct placement practices with buy while watching feature: The case of 4N1K yeni başlangıçlarArticle112123725710.56133/intermedia.1477540